Crowd Control

Our passion for security comes from our ‘grass-roots’ days as crowd controllers working in licensed, registered premises and events.

Our Crowd Controllers are selected for their personal traits and emotional control. We identify the key skills required by our team and provide in house training to hone their skills in the areas of Active Listening, Identifying Non-Verbal Cues, Proactive Intervention Techniques, Report Writing, Dealing with Regulators, Justified Use of Force & Powers of Arrest and venue-specific legislation.

We see our Crowd Control Professionals as being part-Public Relations/Customer Service, part-Educator, helping to educate the patrons of our clients on the expectations of the venue and events management.

We deploy our teams with the latest technologies such as Body Worn Cameras (which we have been doing since early 2007) and Digital Incident Reporting with our partner Auscomply Digital Compliance Systems (

We have provided security risk management and legislative consultation to numerous licensees and event managers from small country pubs to the iconic Roma Races held in Queensland every November and major festivals/events across NSW.